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WordPress Contact Form 7 – Add email addresses to all forms

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Sometimes with Contact Form 7 you may have many forms, we have clients with 20+ forms on each of their sites, and sometimes you may with all your forms were sent to various staff members which change over time, the annoyance of Contact Form 7 is that to handle this you have to edit each and every form adding additional headers to change the CC: every time a new employee is needed on the forms and then again when they leave.

There is an easier way to do this though, you can add some code to your themes functions.php file, allowing you to add / edit / remove email addresses from all the forms at once, dynamically. You can even specify forms by their ID to single out one or two or more.


Add email to all Contact Form 7 forms

So firstly lets start with a basic catch all, adding an email to all Contact Form 7 forms using a CC header, please note that you can either append to the current “additional headers” or overwrite them completely as needed, just uncomment the line labelled “override additional headers”.


function dynamic_addcc($WPCF7_ContactForm){

 $currentformInstance = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
 $contactformsubmition = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();

 if ($contactformsubmition) {

 $data = $contactformsubmition->get_posted_data();

 if (empty($data))

 $mail = $currentformInstance->prop('mail');

 //$mail['additional_headers'] = ''; //override additional headers
 $mail['additional_headers'] .= "\r\nCc: person@mycompany.com";

 // Save the email body
 "mail" => $mail

 // return current cf7 instance
 return $currentformInstance;

Add email to selected Contact Form 7 forms

Ok so if you want to control different destinations for different forms, you just need to go find out the Contact Form ID and then setup IF statements like in the example below, again you can overwrite additional headers or append like above.


function dynamic_addcc($WPCF7_ContactForm){

 // Check contact form id.
 $cfid = $WPCF7_ContactForm->id();

 $currentformInstance = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
 $contactformsubmition = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();

 if ($contactformsubmition) {

 $data = $contactformsubmition->get_posted_data();

 if (empty($data))

 $mail = $currentformInstance->prop('mail');

 if (33 == $cfid || 43 == $cfid) {
 //$mail['additional_headers'] = ''; //override additional headers
 $mail['additional_headers'] .= "\r\nCc: person@mycompany.com";
 } else if (67 == $cfid || 22 == $cfid) {
 //$mail['additional_headers'] = ''; //override additional headers
 $mail['additional_headers'] .= "\r\nCc: person2@mycompany.com";
 } else {
 //$mail['additional_headers'] = ''; //override additional headers
 $mail['additional_headers'] .= "\r\nCc: person3@mycompany.com";

 // Save the email body
 "mail" => $mail

 // return current cf7 instance
 return $currentformInstance;
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Author: Dean WilliamsProfessional PHP Web Developer with expertise in OpenCart Web Development, WordPress Web Development, Bespoke Systems - also a seasoned Linux Server Administrator.

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