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As part of our continued support of the Data Protection Act in the European Union / United Kingdom we have updated our Privacy Policy to outline our dedication of our efforts to protect the data of our clients and to support the new General Data Protection Act (GDPR) that is coming into force on 25th May 2018. Additionally we have provided a separate Privacy Policy for our hosting services which also follow the new General Data Protection Act (GDPR) guidelines.

We are committed to responsibly securing information shared in faith by our clients, we are fully aware that we generally hold very sensitive information such as domain management , server, FTP and other such credentials, and have always taken the most appropriate steps to keep such details secure and private by keeping such information cloaked in military grade encryption shared appropriately internally without the need to insecurely share information through email, Skype and etc. We will continue to keep such information as securely as possible and review our processes continuously.

Before working with us, or in fact while working with us, feel free to question what information we have stored and how we are storing it, don’t feel awkward requesting us to remove or confirm what information we have stored. However be aware that we store such information to enable smooth operation and immediate action for any issues that may occur that require our assistance and ongoing work.


Are you GDPR Compliant?

If you are running a service such as e-commerce store or any type of contact and data collection service you need to make sure you are GDPR compliant, we are offering a service to help you become GDPR Compliant and provide a privacy statement for your clients, if you are interested see our GDPR Privacy Policy Write-up for e-commerce store.

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Need some help? We are here for you!

We have a very friendly service - Come and chat to us and let us know what you need, we work for an hourly fee and can also provide you a no obligation quote and begin work immediately in most cases. Click "Request Support" or use our Live Chat.

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Author: Dean WilliamsProfessional PHP Web Developer with expertise in OpenCart Web Development, WordPress Web Development, Bespoke Systems - also a seasoned Linux Server Administrator.

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