Graphic design services
Your website is the image of your business being portrayed to your customers. The branding of a website can instantly inform a potential customer of the kind of information, products or services they can expect to find on your website, without looking closer at the website itself. Websites are the most fundamental part of a company, with the advance of technology and the ever growing Internet. The access to to such websites have never been easier and its predicted to continue growing in the same manner.
We can design a specific brand and feel for your website, including beautiful banners and amazing logos. We feel that with our team of designers we can provide you with a really professional website that really portrays the brand of your company.
Our graphic services
Our inhouse design team can create stunning concepts for your business, here are some of the dedicated design packages we have:
- Website design packages
- Website logo design packages
- Social media branding packages
- Stationary design packages
Customised service
If what you need includes one or more of our services, or includes requirements that our services do not mention then feel free to contact us with your requirements and we will be happy to provide you a quote for what you need with a full guarantee that what we produce will be custom, top quality and to your liking or your money back!
Why is branding so important?
There are many reasons why branding is so important, here are just a few reasons:

1. Improves recognition
The major asset to any brand is the logo. We instantly recognise the golden arches of McDonald’s without even seeing the name. One of major components of your brand is your logo. The design of any logo is critical to the face of the company. It needs to be simple enough to be memorable to your clients and visitors, but also powerful enough to convey the right impression of your business.

2. Creates trust
A professional logo design and branding on your companies website and banners helps build credibility and trust. Visitors are more likely to turn into customers if they see a professional and legitimate looking brand. Its human nature to be cautious, so give them a reason to feel comfortable.

3. Supports advertising
Why would you even advertise without a professional looking brand? Some people do and it, more often than not, fails to have an affect on the market. Use your brand to your advantage and create nice professional looking adverts that will appeal to your chosen demographic. Keep your adverts focused on key areas, ensure your not to broad or to narrow with your advertising.

4. Builds financial value
Having a brand helps build a name for business. The more the company grows the more value your brand has to your business. Having a strong brand usually ensures a company future business. Having such a professional brand and feeling around the company will also help make possible investors feel more at ease working with your company. Such investment could be the difference between making it a success and failing.

5. Inspires employees
Employees like to know they’re working towards something. having a brand and company message would help make your employees feel like they’re working towards that goal. Having such a strong brand really brings everyone together, under one roof so to speak. It also provides your employees with a feeling of security.

6. Generates new customers
Customers will be able to point your business and brand out to friends, family or even co-workers. If you have a memorable brand then your existing custom will continue to grow, brand awareness and business referral is important to any company whether they’re new or have been around fro some time.
Some of our logo design work