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Recently we had a problem with a clients automated feed script where the image server we was fetching images from had blocked the main server IP, the problem at the time was that we had another issue we wanted to resolve and we had no contact details in order to contact the company involved to be whitelisted (and obviously it might of taken them time to sort this out).
Luckily cURL has an option parameter whereby you can change the IP/Interface that cURL uses to another IP address / Interface on your server.
This can quite simply be done in PHP by adding this to your cURL code:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_INTERFACE, "Other IP or Interface Name");
If the supplied IP/Interface is valid cURL will now use that for its calls. Thus you can temporarily get around blocks until sorted with the supplier.
Of course this should be possible in other programming languages too or with cURL directly.
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