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There is currently an on-going issue with cPanel’s MySQL Databases management screen, when attempting to access the MySQL Databases screen you will be presented with the following two errors:

The MySQL server is currently offline.


Error encountered while fetching data: There is no such grant defined for user ‘cpses_{random string}’ on host ‘localhost’ DBDISKUSED

cPanel are aware of this issue and it relates to a update to MariaDb from version 10.3.22 to 10.3.23 which on our servers happened auto-magically. There is currently nothing anyone can do to resolve this issue until cPanel themselves have rooted out the cause and rolled out an update. You can follow their announcement to get an alert once they have more information on the issue by going to their article below:

Updating to MariaDB 10.3.23 on cPanel breaks the MySQL Databases interface.

Current article reads:


Updating from MariaDB 10.3.22 to 10.3.23 breaks the cPanel -> MySQL Databases interface. This MariaDB update occurs automatically when updating cPanel with a version that includes support for MariaDB 10.3.

The cPanel -> MySQL Databases interface will display these errors:

“The MySQL server is currently offline.”

“Error encountered while fetching data: There is no such grant defined for user ‘cpses_cpdamak3oz’ on host ‘localhost’ DBDISKUSED cpuser_user 0 DISKUSED 0 DB cpuser_user USER cpuser_db”


The following errors can also be found in cPanel’s error log:

<span class="s1">[2020-05-12 23:36:14 -0500] warn [cpmysql] Error encountered while fetching data: There is no such grant defined for user 'cpses_cpdamak3oz' on host 'localhost' at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 186, <STDIN> line 1.</span><br><br><span class="s1">Invalid grant string: GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO `cptech_db`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*redacted'</span><br><br><span class="s1">[2020-05-12 23:36:14 -0500] warn [cpanel] Cpanel::Wrap::send_cpwrapd_request adminbin Cpanel/cpmysql/DBCACHE: exit 11: namespace=[Cpanel] module=[cpmysql] function=[DBCACHE]: set error in context mysql: raw_response=[{"version":"2.4","action":"run","data":"Error encountered while fetching data: There is no such grant defined for user 'cpses_cpdamak3oz' on host 'localhost'\nDBDISKUSED\tcptech_dbv\t0\nDISKUSED\t0\nDB\tcptech_dbv\nUSER\tcptech_db\n","timeout":0,"mode":"simple","status":1,"exit_code":2816,"error":1,"statusmsg":"adminbin Cpanel/cpmysql/DBCACHE: exit 11"}] at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/ line 120, <$socket> line 1.</span>



The issue is related to changes in grants in MariaDB 10.3.23. An internal case has been filed with our developers to get this resolved.

For reference, the case number is CPANEL-32712. Follow this article to receive an email notification when a solution is published in the product.



A fix is being worked on by our developers, however, there is no known workaround at this time. We recommend updating to cPanel version 88, presently in the CURRENT build tier if an immediate solution is required.


We will update this page once more information is available.

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Author: Dean WilliamsProfessional PHP Web Developer with expertise in OpenCart Web Development, WordPress Web Development, Bespoke Systems - also a seasoned Linux Server Administrator.

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