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John S. BritsiosThe Internet lost a truly special / inspirational leader of SEO last week when on Wednesday 29th 2022 John S. Britsios of SEO Workers and Webnauts (amongst other sites) died suddenly from complications to an illness called Lupus he has been diagnosed with and had started suffering from since last year.

Me (Dean Williams) and Josh Burley had the ultimate pleasure to work with this fantastic guy since 2015 and his loss has left us with a very hefty hole in our hearts, minds and souls as a result. We extend our deepest condolences to Helga Haas his surviving partner.

John S. Britsios came to us while we were still in 9-5 employment at a company where we were considering starting our own business, in fact it was not long after deciding our name (WebDesires) that we initially got a request from John S. Britsios for a meeting with the punchline “I have 3 clients that need lots of work and constant support”. This guy single handedly gave us our kickstart out of employment and into the turmoil of self-employment- albeit far less turmoil and struggle thanks to this single fortunate event. We feel we owe everything to you John S. Britsios, we thank you so much for believing in us and helping us get our business off the ground.

Over the last 7-8 years working with John, we have not only had the pleasure to work closely with him and help him make his dreams a reality with his clients, but we have also learned so much about SEO, good practices as far as linking, page layout, speed and much more. As well as having a great friend to talk to on lonely days where it feels nothings going right. John has been there with us since day one, always there ready and willing to chat, help, check over anything we needed advice on and to de-stress and unwind with us on a busy evening with jokes.

We didn’t always get along though.. John, like us was so passionate about his job and his responsibilities we would sometimes come to arguments but we always had mutual respect for each other and resolved our issues once we had calmed down. John would work day and night, sometimes for days without sleep when there was an issue that needed resolving, a very passionate hard working member of our team. One which there will never be a replacement for, he was truly a special, dedicated guy with so much passion and so much knowledge.

The passing of John S. Britsios will forever affect us and we hope you are now resting in peace and not working too hard. As we always said, get some rest and don’t worry about it…

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Author: Dean WilliamsProfessional PHP Web Developer with expertise in OpenCart Web Development, WordPress Web Development, Bespoke Systems - also a seasoned Linux Server Administrator.

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1 year ago

Just found this post after seeing SEO Workers and Webnauts are no longer online! I also, many years ago, met John via the old WebProWorld forum and then worked with him on a few projects. We also had a few arguments and late nights. Sad to hear he’s no longer with us!

Reply to  Darren
10 months ago

Back in 2004 ish john reached out to me after he seen me in an SEO forum. Over the next few years we worked day and night until 2014 ish when we went our separate ways. He took my online from rags to riches and dominated Google for our industry for years including #1 for all main terms like business for sale, businesses for sale, sell a business and more! I’m convinced this guy was a genius. This guy taught me everything I know re web dev and SEO.