WP Property Hive – Media Cleaner

(1 customer review)

Property Hive Media Cleaner for WordPress allows you to quickly and easily remove all images, brochures, EPC and floorplan assets from properties that you have removed. It also supports checking all posts, pages and even woo-commerce so that you can be confident that all media that is unused will get identified and removed. Freeing up storage space on your hosting account.




This plugin allows you to manually do a scan which will give you a report on all media it thinks are unused by your site, you can ignore any media that may be manually embedded and thus not recognised as used, and any other media you wish to keep. You can then delete all the unused media with one button click (a trash feature can be enabled providing an extra step of security if needed).

The plugin also supports the ability to run the scan and cleanup automatically as a cron or from a bookmark on your computer.

** You do not need the Property Hive plugin, this plugin can also be used on a normal WordPress site and can clean media by looking at posts, pages and woo-commerce data **

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License Details

Expiration Lasts for 1 year.
Limit Unlimited uses and activations.

1 review for WP Property Hive – Media Cleaner

  1. Mark Overmars

    Exactly what i needed for a site that was using 10GB of storage space, now down to less than 1GB!!

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