We were approached due to our expertise in OpenCart Web Development, the client needed ongoing Web Development on his website RainVac. Our duties include improving features, adding in new features, improving SEO, improving and managing Schema, improving conversions, improving usability and finally implementing and maintaining responsive aspects of the site, which is not an easy task when the site was not originally responsive and does not use Bootstrap.
Design Overhaul 2016
A part of the ever growing task lists for improvements and features one of the biggest changes we wished to undertake was the improvement of the overall UI, the design was very 1980’s and unfortunately the previous developers had used allot of images to construct the menus, headings, lines and etc. With a 2016 approach we wanted to simplify the UI so that it was more appealing and clean looking to the users eyes, but also wanted to strip out all unnecessary images so that the site can load quicker without the need of all these overbearing resources. What we did was replace the menu with a new flat colour design, we removed all images used within the drop down menus and replaced button images with CSS background colors and shadings instead, we also replaced many GIF/PNG icons and opted to use FontAwesome instead. On the front-end you can see we completely dropped the blue shading for a more subtle shade which in fact is achieved with CSS 3 and not images.
We also created a “top menu” for some site functionality so that the header could be less crowded and important user actions could be in one menu bar.
Design Overhaul 2017-2018
As the years progress we have further refined the UI, stripping out even more image elements, improving visual and function where needed from either experience, in order to fit in new features or technologies or from directly observing customers interaction with the site. The site now utilizes the new Font Awesome 5 Pro, which gave us even more flexibility and icon choice allowing us to overhaul the social media buttons and the payment methods etc. We have also incorporated new features such as the “Finance Options” pop-ups, ability to compare item specifications and much more.
Design Overhaul 2020
More improvements were performed to the whole website throughout 2020 – darkening blues for readability as well as removing lots of old code and streamlining user-experience. Most notably was the improvements in overall page load times and addition of new interactive features for clients and administrators.

Homepage December 2015

Homepage December 2016

Homepage February 2018

Homepage November 2020
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