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WebDesires are Accredited OpenCart Developers in the West Midlands, United Kingdom. The majority of our work is with OpenCart and supporting our clients who have OpenCart eCommerce stores, we recommend OpenCart to all clients looking to start an eCommerce store because of its feature rich light-weight approach with a codebase that is easy to understand and modify with the bonus of unlimited possibilities as far as extending the platform for clients needs.

OpenCart eCommerce Platform
What is OpenCart and why we recommend it for your eCommerce business.
What Is OpenCart?
OpenCart is an eCommerce platform which utilizes PHP, MySQL and GD for it’s server side processing, with an advantage already for utilizing Open Source technologies, the software itself is also Open Source making OpenCart a very pleasurable system to work with for competent developers.
One of the biggest advantages to OpenCart is it’s well structured and light-weight codebase, everything is easy to find, modify and extend. OpenCart also supports extension using plugins and can even be loaded with custom themes allowing a store to be customized entirely functionality and visually.
Here are some of the features of OpenCart:
- Unlimited Categories
- Unlimited Products
- Unlimited Manufacturers
- Multi Currency
- Multi Language
- Product Reviews
- Product Ratings
- Open Source
- Free Documentation
- Templatable
- Automatic Image Resize
- 20+ Payment Gateways
- 8+ Shipping Methods
Why Is OpenCart Good For My Business?
Not only are we experienced developers in OpenCart so can do just about anything required with the system to provide you the best store on the internet, not only does it support many different payment processing modules making it easy to take payments but it is also already packed with very well developed features that can get your business off the ground with minimal work.
Unfortunately OpenCart has a few SEO and usability problems by default but they are all very easily rectified and as such are not a problem to work with, this is why with all our clients we provide a specially customized and extended version of OpenCart with all improvements we deem necessary for running a successful eCommerce shopping website with all the SEO features required to rank your store in Google.
Why Should I Choose WebDesires?
WebDesires are very experienced in OpenCart design and development services, we know OpenCart inside and out and work with it on a daily basis, we also have a vast knowledge of the issues in OpenCart that need tweaking in order to rank better in google. In fact we are also very knowledgeable in Search Engine Ranking and can offer services to improve the SEO of your site (not just OpenCart Stores) by implementing Schema, sculpting links and directing important traffic through your website successfully by implementing UI best practices. We are also highly skilled responsive design specialists and can help you achieve success in both desktop and mobile environments.
Need some help? We are here for you!We have a very friendly service - Come and chat to us and let us know what you need, we work for an hourly fee and can also provide you a no obligation quote and begin work immediately in most cases. Click "Request Support" or use our Live Chat.
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