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iOS 9 users have been suffering since the recent update, but the latest to come to the fold is something that could actually cost you a lot of money if you aren’t careful. It has recently been unearthed that the recent upgrade to the new iOS 9 version of Apple’s operating system has a built in feature to automatically switch between WiFi and your data networks (3G/4G). Useful? Well as a concept yes it is very useful, it means you’ll always have the best connection to the digital world available to you at any given moment. But in reality, unless you have unlimited data usage on your plan, it isn’t a good idea and could in fact lead to extra charges from your service provider should your usage become to much.
Some users have stated that there usage has reached as high as 10GB rising from a measly 1 or 2GB. So if you’re finding yourself to be a victim of this feature, here is a quick guide on how you can disable it.
- Launch the ‘Settings’ app and tap on ‘Mobile Data/Cellular’
- Scroll down towards the bottom of the options and disable the option called ‘Wi-Fi Assist’
Really thats all there is to it, your iPhone or iPad using iOS 9 should now resume back to using your ‘normal’ amount of data and will no longer switch between 3G/4G and your WiFi depending on the strength of your WiFi signal.
If you’re usage is still high after disabling this feature then you may want to look at what could be using your data so much. You can see this information by navigating to Settings’ > ‘Cellular’ > ‘Cellular Data Usage’
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